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©Herr Gottfried von Siebenthal/Gstaad

Real estate in the region of Gstaad, Saanenland and Pays d'EnHaut

Sine Tempore - Your real estate agency in Gstaad. We offer exclusive luxury properties in the picturesque Swiss alpine region. Whether you are looking for a chalet or appartment - you will find your dream residence or holiday home with us. With over 35 years of experience in the local market and comprehensive market knowledge, we will support you professionally and confidentially in buying or selling a property. You can rely on a premium professional service and personalised advice.

Selected properties from our portfolio

A true "home" located far above the Saanen-Village

Holiday home

A spacious family Chalet in Rougemont

Holiday home

A superb Duplex apartment on the heights of Rougemont

Holiday home

Beautiful Family Chalet on the heights of Château-d'Oex

Chateau d'Oex
Holiday home